Adult Day Services
Adult Day Services are offered Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 3:00pm at the Center.
This service provides elders the ability to maintain an independent lifestyle in a culturally sensitive environment. It also assists families and caregivers by providing them a break from caring for their loved ones while providing meaningful social interaction for seniors.
In a typical day of Adult Day Services, seniors are picked-up and transported to the Center where they enjoy a warm healthy breakfast. Thereafter, participants take part in a variety of activities such as crafts, painting, pottery, sewing, exercise, bingo, and various field trips to surrounding attractions, see the Activities Calendar. They then enjoy a nutritious lunch, continue with activities and have an afternoon snack before they are transported back home for the day.
Benefits of Adult Day Services include:
- Create new social ties
- Opportunities for outings
- Increase independence
- Increase levels of functioning
- Instill a sense of purpose and belonging
- Engagement in social, physical and recreational activities
- Provide caregiver relief (Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 3:30pm)
- Elder Quick Links
A Care Plan is developed for each participant in order to maintain their physical and emotional independence. All participants are assisted with monthly medication pick-up and/or doctor appointments.
To inquire about any services, please call the Elder Center at: 505-869-9770